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Embracing A World of Diversity and Inclusion (The Inception of Globetrotter Culture)

A world full of people who only look like me, speaks like me, thinks like me and only shares the same interests as me has always been very unappealing. Not only is this a world of cloned robots like “The Stepford Wives” (1975 Movie, 2004 Remake), it also provides no value and opportunity for growth, change, empathy, sympathy, love and a host of other significant emotions and what we typically know and understand as positive character traits.

So, what happens when people are sealed off from the growth potential of being around others who are different than they are? We begin to see many who take to their own biases, likeness with little to no variation with them thinking that this is how life is meant to be, when it was meant to be just the opposite. This is often portrayed as a privileged and entitled mindset if we allow for it to permeate in the essence of who we are. So, where am I going with this you ask? My point is, embracing the differences in cultures, lifestyles, ways of conducting business, ethnic values, foods, knowledge, and wisdom brings TOGETHER a better and more unified collective body of people and presents mutually beneficial and valuable growth opportunities where everyone wins!!!

The world of travel to the bordered countries are great opportunities to close the gap (or open the borders) on the exclusive lifestyles that have been presented and lived while embracing an inclusive life that brings significant value, opportunities, relationships, and a more meaningful and purposeful life for the masses. In other words, it’s bigger than us yet it starts with each of us.

For those who are privileged to have the opportunity to travel, it is a gold mine full of treasures and riches that money can’t buy. The experiences that one gets to live and enjoy through global travel and exposure is priceless and goes much further than any of the world’s economic systems. While markets crash and economies are decimated, the value and purposeful life of travel, exposure, sharing, educating, and building sustainable relationships are on-going.

When we as global travelers decide to travel to another country, we open ourselves to knowledge, possibilities, emotions, relationships and so much more. To effectively gain the significance of positive global travel experiences, we must first be open to everything that is not like us. In my book, I would say that this is the number one rule that one must abide by to have pleasant, meaningful, and mutually beneficial global travel experiences.

In my many years of global travel and observing those who haven’t traveled globally, I find that many are in the state of the cloned “Stepford Wives” syndrome without them realizing it. We see the same thing occurring for those who haven’t traveled domestically or even from one neighborhood to the next. This of course is by no fault of their own per say, it is the course of what has transpired throughout the generations to bring us to where we are now. It is now where the difference can be made. Both domestic and international travel with the right mindset and exposure can be mutually beneficial to everyone involved if we allow for it to be.

This now means that it is no longer about having individual limited mindsets regarding cultures, ethnicities, circumstances, and manufactured reasons to have biases and trying to elevate one over the other. It is about a more cohesive and fulfilling life of embracing diversity and inclusion (of all aspects) to enjoy traveling and living in a unique and diverse world. This is the essence of Globetrotter Culture and those that choose to live a borderless life that benefits generations today and generations to come. EMBRACE A WORLD OF DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION AND LIVE A MORE FULFILLING AND ENJOYABLE LIFE!



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