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Living Abroad - The Genesis of My Next Chapter

After working in a career in Information Technology and Cybersecurity for decades, I made an intentional, unapologetic decision to pursue what was innate in me; to live my life on my terms and no longer live a life predicated on conventional manufactured notions, thoughts, ideas, and plans that are often directly and subliminally planted in our minds as the societal normative. We see this messaging play out throughout the generations of other people’s thoughts and ideas that often aren’t our own and as I often say, “There’s a price to pay for everything”. By that, I mean the cost for following the ideals and prescriptive methods of what “appears” to be the path that one should take for their life as taught by society (family, community, government, religions etc.) often are the very hinderances to one doing and following the very essence and spirit of who they really are. At least this is what I’ve ascertained in my many years of living, listening, and carefully observing all that takes place around me. Meanwhile, something else was brewing inside of me. In many cases it was the contrary to all that has been prescribed to many, including me.

I want to be clear that I have no regrets regarding my career and all that it has afforded me and served as a pathway for my journey to bring me to where I am today. Although I wish I knew then what I know now as many of us often say; it doesn’t change the fact that everything happens and is aligned for a reason. In other words, it wasn’t meant for me to know then and I had to complete my life’s journey through this process of identifying these anomalies, inconsistencies, and indifferences to discover the essence of myself and my life’s journey to fulfill all that was in me instead of fulfilling the prescribed notion and life that others have decided for me. Does any of this sound familiar to anyone else? I’m sure that there are others of you who can relate.

Anyway, I had to make some life-changing decisions that would impact the rest of my life. Afterall, life is too short to live someone else’s thoughts, dreams, and ideals that ultimately doesn’t fulfill and bring forth the gratification of my own life. I saw where this was leading me, and it wasn’t what I wanted or needed. It was time to LIVE MY LIFE ON MY TERMS!

I knew that I wanted to live outside of the United States, so I investigated several places online and went through all kinds of articles, documents, blogs, vlogs and more importantly, facts regarding specific aspects of the countries and what they had to offer versus what I was accustomed to living in the US. Keep in mind, I was already aware of many differences in other countries as I’ve traveled extensively but never lived in another country. Traveling and living in a country are two different things. Keep this in mind because you’ll hear me discuss this more in other blog/vlog articles, commentaries and in my books.

Let’s talk about how it all unfolded. It is the question that everyone always asks me regarding how I decided to move where I did, when I did. In 2018 I was on my quest regarding which country I thought that I would begin my global citizen journey. The funny thing about it is that I told no one, not one. It is my experience that when I have something made up in my mind, I just do it and convey to others when I need to at the appropriate time. Sometimes the closest people in your life can also be the ones who distract you from your goals. Of course, they don’t see it that way, but you and I know the deal. So, I found myself in a situation of “mum’s the word”.

I investigated all the places that digital nomads and retirees were seeking as good countries to plant themselves for a while. Most were seeking many of the same requirements that I had regarding low-cost of living with a high quality of life, good and inexpensive healthcare, quick access to an international airport that would get me to the US, Europe, and Africa easily. Well, Africa was more of my additional requirement and not others. The destination countries that kept appearing were Costa Rica, Belize, Ecuador, Indonesia, Mexico, Spain, Portugal, and Thailand.

During the spring of 2018 I traveled to Vienna, Austria and Budapest, Hungary. In the fall of 2018 I traveled to Lisbon, Portugal (hint). I traveled again to Lisbon, Portugal in the spring of 2019 and it was during this time where I found an apartment and signed a lease. I had already decided after the first trip to Portugal that it would be the place that I would begin my expat global citizen journey. Honestly, I pretty much made up in my mind prior to my first trip to Portugal but I had to take a couple of trips there first for my comfort level. Portugal checked all the boxes for me including climate, cost of living, healthcare, friendly people, an expat community, activities, food, rivers, ocean and beaches, diversity and culture, and an international airport serving North America, South America, Europe and Africa.

After the first trip I already knew that I would move there and began my process which I’ll talk about in other content. I was now somewhat set as I was preparing all the necessary documents, information, and logistics for my D7 resident visa to move to Portugal. I now had my required one-year lease agreement for my D7 visa which was a major factor for me before I jumped in all the way.

The choice that I made to move to Portugal was exhilarating to say the least. I must admit, initially I was a little nervous, but that soon subsided, and I plowed forward full steam ahead like a runaway locomotive.

The decision was not solely based on travel but was more intentional regarding living life on my terms. Global travel and living abroad was a significant component to this next chapter of my life. And so my next chapter began in Lisbon, Portugal in June 2019!


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