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Your Unique Journey - Global Travel, Location-Independent Lifestyle and or Living Abroad

There are many people who have never traveled abroad and guess what? That’s fine! Traveling and going abroad isn’t for everyone. While I find that traveling is eye-opening, refreshing, exciting, revealing, and enjoyable, many do not have the desire to travel outside of their city, town, state, country, or continent….and that’s perfectly fine. However, there’s also those who haven’t traveled but would love to see, explore, gain understanding, experience various cultures, lifestyles, enjoy adventures, interact with those of different ethnicities, races, and cultural backgrounds. For those that fit into this category I want to let you know that you can do this if you really want to.

Many often think that traveling abroad must cost you a year’s salary. I’m exaggerating but you get my point. While retail prices of airfare, cruises, hotels, and accommodations can be intimidating, there are various ways to circumvent paying top-dollar for travel…. just like everything else. As encouragement and inspiration, I often tell others, “People always do exactly what they want to do”. I often used the same phrase as a kick-in-the-butt and say to people, “People always do exactly what they want to do”. So, what's the context behind this saying with two different meanings and why would I say this? I’m glad that I asked myself (LOL). What I mean by the first statement is that, when we want to do something, we find ways to make it happen. When something drives us, we make it happen. When it is important enough to us and for us, we make it happen. So, when that is the case for travel or experiencing life abroad, seeking location-independent work, the very same principle applies. "People always do exactly what they want to do"

Now, each person’s starting point varies because we’re all different, and that’s ok. The main thing is to start wherever you are and run the race of your life regarding this journey like you’ve never run before. This means penny-pinching if you need to, scouring and understanding travel hacks, finding extremely discounted fares, and using all resources available to you. Remember, your first international or domestic trip does not have to be extravagant and over-the-top. It is your starting point. It’s good to get your feet wet and see if it’s something that you may want to do more of. The thing is…. you must start somewhere and make it happen. Another phrase that I often say to people is, “I can assist and teach you many things, but I can’t teach you ambition, initiative and drive”. Those are characteristic traits that are innate in a person and not something that is teachable. However, the good news is that those that may be lacking in ambition, initiative, and drive to make certain things happen for global travel, living abroad and location-independence in this case can be inspired by others and their journey, knowledge, wisdom, experience and more. In other words, you’re only alone in your journey if you want to be alone. There are others who can assist you in facilitating your goals and many of them are the one’s who have the same desire and passion that you have regarding travel or other areas of your life.

I have found that when I’m surrounded by other global travelers and expats and people who love it, get it and would do anything to keep it in their lives, we can have great endless conversation about our travels, experiences, living abroad and all that it encompasses. It’s all about finding the right audience that allows us to operate at a certain comfort level. Everything else moves forward from there. So, while this blog post article is focused mainly on inspiration to travel globally, live abroad, find, and live a life of location-independence it is also to let you know that your global travel journey, living abroad, location-independence is uniquely associated to you. Never try to mimic or mirror someone else’s experience, journey, and life. Instead, let other’s experience, knowledge, mistakes, and successes shape your unique journey for whatever is at the other side for you.

You will find that people come and go in and out of your life and it’s ok because they served a purpose that moves you forward in whatever area you’re seeking. It's easy to get caught up with trying to be like others in their travel and living abroad journey just like anything else. But guess what? It’s not a competition. Other people’s paths and journey is good for them and those that genuinely share it can be of value to you in terms of inspiration or it may be that it’s something that just isn’t for you. You get to decide. Isn’t that awesome?

When you are in pursuit of your happiness, it will look different than someone else’s happiness simply because we are all unique and have our own journey, standards, and preferences. I don’t know about you, but I love seeing people living in their true happiness. Other's happiness is not predicated or contingent upon my path or journey and mine is not based on theirs. I find it helpful to take the point where we connect and allow that to be the common ground for what we both need for as long as we need it. Again, people are sometimes in your life for a period, and both get to define and determine how it plays out and for how long.

Now, I’ve spoken to the inspirational side of “People do exactly what they want to do” and what needs to occur, let me speak briefly about the kick-in-the-butt “People do exactly what they want to do”. When a person states that they really want to do something and are given the actions to take and choose not to take them, the only person to blame is oneself. I believe that we can all attest to that and have been in situations where we’ve sabotaged ourselves in certain situations. Don’t do this regarding your happiness and your journey for global travel, location-independent work, living abroad and more. This is my kick-ass statement to anyone to whom it may be applicable, if you really want to travel globally, seek a location-independent lifestyle and or live abroad, join with us and others, engage, and interact with us as a community and do your part for your journey because YOUR JOURNEY for GLOBAL TRAVEL, A LOCATION-INDEPENDENT LIFESTYLE AND OR LIVING ABROAD is YOUR UNIQUE JOURNEY! YOU CAN DO THIS GLOBETROTTER!!!


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